Letter: Kerry lying about Vietnam duty

Fri, Sep 10, 2004 (9 a.m.)

Regarding the Aug. 24 letter of Joann Fischella, some of her statements must be refuted.

She says, "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have been exposed as having connections to the Bush campaign, and their lies have been exposed by official Navy records." They have not been "exposed," as Ms. Fischella charges. There are only allegations about ties to the Bush campaign, which the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth adamantly deny. They are doing this on their own without ties to the Bush campaign or its official approval.

As to official Navy records proving otherwise, they haven't been fully examined in their entirety. One record in particular has proven a Kerry claim to be false. Kerry's purported excursion into Cambodia on Christmas Eve 1968 was fabricated by Kerry. He was not in Cambodia at that time, if ever.

John Kerry is campaigning on his military record as being the most qualified and most deserving to be commander in chief. If this is the case, why won't he open his diaries and journals to a thorough examination? And, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth should also open theirs. As Ms. Fischella suggests, John Kerry should also "stand on his record." After all, he is the one who first compared his military service to that of President Bush.

Should John Kerry win the election in November, he will never be my president. I shall refer to him as "the impostor who occupies the White House."



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