Letter: Kerry’s views are inconsistent

Tue, Sep 14, 2004 (8:50 a.m.)

Just exactly what Republican convention did certain readers of the Sun watch? The one I watched featured several speakers, including Dick Cheney and Zell Miller, saying they honored the service of John Kerry in Vietnam. What they criticized were his anti-war comments in 1971, which were played over loudspeakers in Vietnamese prison camps, and his consistent record of voting against spending for both defense and intelligence even after the first attack on the World Trade Center.

I find it harder and harder to take John Kerry seriously. He wants to be the leader of the free world, yet he cannot even keep his campaign staff together. He accuses George Bush of dodging military service, but defended Bill Clinton to the hilt for doing exactly that. He claims that he would have voted for the Iraq war even knowing there were no WMD, and also claims that it is the "wrong war at the wrong time."

He has been quoted being both pro and con on the issue of the wall being constructed in Israel, our only true friend in the Middle East. He claims life begins at conception, but favors unrestricted abortion. And he has as much as admitted that more Americans will die in Iraq before he takes any kind of action, and then only at the aegis of the United Nations, an organization that doesn't exactly have our best interests at heart.

Is Kerry truly the best the Democrats have to offer?



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