Letter: Adding Mexico a liberal’s dream

Tue, Sep 21, 2004 (9:15 a.m.)

In a recent letter, Ruth DiMaggio suggested admitting Mexico as our 51st state. She might be onto something.

Dropping all pretense of a border would give us access to cheap oil that is already owned by the corrupt Mexican government, and the price of illegal drugs would certainly plummet. The drug runners could be expected to keep the terrorists out in order to protect their market, thereby allowing us to disband our armed forces. As an added benefit, the new pool of cheap labor would allow rich Republicans to relax and enjoy our ill-gotten gains.

We should also consider admitting Canada as the 52nd state. We would have instant access to cheap legal drugs and socialized medicine to boot.

Wow, just two simple steps to liberal utopia! If anyone out there has the ear of leaders of the Democratic National Committee, please give them or John F. Kerry a call. They need a platform to run on.



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