Columnist Muriel Stevens: Dion makes splash with fragrance

Wed, Apr 6, 2005 (8:11 a.m.)

Want to capture life's special moments? A new Celine Dion fragrance from Coty Beauty called Belong, "Highlights the intimate side of Celine's off-camera life," according to a company news release.

It's a remarkable life, one Dion lives to the fullest. She knows how to express herself, whatever she's selling.

Working closely with Coty Beauty, Dion was involved with every aspect of the development of Belong, including the design of the bottle to the scent itself. The glass bottle is an elegant pentagon shape topped with a floating shiny, silver cap and collar decorated with Celine's name. The box itself is a soft violet color.

Available now in stores such as Kohl's, JC Penney, Sears and ULTA, Celine Dion Parfums Belong eau de toilette is offered in three sizes with a suggested retail price of $20, $35 and $48. Belong will also offer a body lotion for $12.50 and a shimmer powder for $16. For more information visit

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds: One of the more interesting collections of heirloom seeds I've found is in the 2005 Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog.

I've been hooked on heirloom seeds since I toured the Philadelphia Horticultural Society's gardens in midcity in the heart of the business district, near Independence Hall. After the tour I visited the gift shop, where small packets of seeds and herbs were sold.

My home was a third floor walk-up apartment, so gardening was not an option, but I would get the seeds started and share them with my neighbor who did have a ground-level apartment with a small garden.

The seeds were costly and you didn't get too many for your money. It takes time to gather the best, but the tomatoes that grew from them were wonderful. Today heirloom tomatoes are featured at our finest restaurants and are available in markets such as Whole Foods or Wild Oats.

Baker Creek's heirloom seed varieties have been passed down within families for generations. All of the seeds are non-hybrid, non-gmo and non-patented. Baker Creek offers the world's largest selection of heirloom melons and they're sweet and beautiful.

Some of the top varieties can be found in America's best speciality markets. To learn more about heirloom gardening subscribe to The Heirloom Gardener magazine. A one-year subscription is just $10 when you subscribe with your seed order. For a catalog call (417) 924-8917 or visit A singular garden source.

Nordstrom by mail or online: The April Nordstrom by mail or online catalog, Lovely, is offering $5 standard shipping on your entire order by catalog or online at

The April selection includes luminous fabrics, peachy pinks and turquoise and other delicious hues. Nordstrom tissue weight cashmere wraps are a good value at just $99. Pastel colors and black.

Also available and equally versatile is the short black lace jacket shown over a basic black dress. Businesswomen can have one ready to don at the end of the day. The classic look is suitable for most events.

Vogue shows the way: Vogue magazine's current issue is devoted to real women size models wearing every-woman fashions. The accompanying stories are wonderful.


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