Letter: Republicans use religion as ploy for more judges

Fri, Apr 29, 2005 (9:04 a.m.)

Some Republicans have tried to paint the Democrats' objection to a handful of President Bush's nominees for lifetime seats on the Court of Appeals as a religious issue portraying Democrats as against people of faith.

Those Christians who are making that claim for political gain should re-read the Ten Commandments, with particular attention to, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

The objection to the two judges, Janice Rogers Brown and Pricilla Owen, whose hearings will be the first to be heard, should come from every member of Congress because they are unfit to sit on the bench.

Judges Brown and Owen have consistently voted against victims of discrimination, consumer rights, worker rights and environmental protection. They have ignored precedent in cases regarding constitutional and civl rights and have shown an overwhelming bias favoring corporations.

If this is a matter of faith, it is only a faith in corporatoctacy. This administration and Congress have been blatant in passing legislation that favors corporate donors.

To use the issue of religion is a sleazy tactic and for Sen. Bill Frist to threaten to change the law on filibuster to push through this handful of unqualified judicial appointments should be denounced by everyone who has a regard for justice and democracy.



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