Letter: Many missing links in theory

Thu, Aug 11, 2005 (9:07 a.m.)

In decrying the teaching of intelligent design in public schools, letter writer Wallace Henkelman said, "Evolution is firmly based on sound science." Perhaps he could write in again and explain why it is referred to as the "theory" of evolution.

One reason, of course, is the fossil record. It is a constant source of embarrassment to those who espouse evolution. You see, there is not just one missing link, there are countless numbers of them. The supposed evolutionary chart of the development of man is largely fanciful conjecture.

Charles Darwin himself had his doubts. For instance, he said that he found it hard to believe that the human eye in all of its complexity could have come about by mere chance.

Another fact that puts the doubt in evolution is that man and man alone, out of all the creatures on Earth, has a free, self-conscious, rational, moral personality, or, dare I say, a soul.

Incidentally, if an acceptable definition of religion is believing that which cannot be seen or proven, where does that leave evolution? Mr. Henkelman and I are both men of faith. We just worship at different altars.



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