Letter: Ban on smoking is a no-brainer

Thu, Dec 29, 2005 (8:22 a.m.)

Every one of us vowed never to return until your city passes long-overdue legislation to protect everyone from the witch's brew of carcinogens and poisons in toxic tobacco smoke.

The only people still fighting smoke-free air are the tobacco people, though I have no doubt that the American Gaming Association is working hand-in-hand with them, becoming yet another mouthpiece for those drug pushers.

How interesting that the story mentioned the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. That organization's current literature says that there is no safe level of toxic tobacco smoke and that the only effective way to deal with this mother of all chemical weapons is to totally prohibit it.

Toxic tobacco smoke kills 65,000 innocent Americans every year. Cities such as Las Vegas play a big part in this genocide, which can so easily be prevented.

I am well aware that there is a causal connection between the brain damage caused by smoking and gambling addiction, but that is no excuse to allow smokers to injure and kill others with their lighted tobacco.

Dave Johnson Hurst, Texas


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