Letter: Troops effectively keeping us secure

Wed, Jun 22, 2005 (9:50 a.m.)

As a citizen who supports our troops I can no longer just sit idly by and listen to the attacks on our military by those elected to represent us. The recent attack by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and others comparing Guantanamo Bay interrogators to the Nazis and Soviet gulags was the last straw.

To compare Gitmo to Nazi camps is also a slap in the face to the few remaining former World War II POWs who are still alive.

We have all heard about the "abuse" at Gitmo that is so bad. In a book called "Soldiers and Slaves," there is information about abuses of American POWs by the Nazis toward the end of World War II. These men were starved, beaten and worked to death, and to compare the treatment that they experienced to that which the detainees at Gitmo experience is a slap in the face to those war heroes.

We are at war and the enemy that our troops face wants nothing less than our total destruction. Has there been another terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11? No, and it is because of our military that we have been safe. Our troops deserve our support. Sen. Durbin and others like him should be ashamed of themselves.

God bless America and the troops who protect her.



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