Letter: Mayor full of gin, empty promises

Fri, Mar 11, 2005 (9:04 a.m.)

Let's suppose that the mayor of Las Vegas is stranded on a desert island after all. The only things that he possesses are the bottle of gin, the Teddy Bear and the Bible. To make it more personal, may we add one element? Our child and his entire fourth grade classroom are on the island as well and shall be there for some time.

Guess who is the one eligible to teach and lead these kids? You got it -- the mayor. And what do we estimate would be the best item of the three with which the children should be led and taught from: the gin, the bear or the Bible? And which would Mayor Goodman choose? Well, he's not going to lie right? He's already told the children of his choice. He's for the bottle!

I think it's time we had a leader with a sound moral compass and a desire for righteous ethics, rather than a washed-up leader seeking to bring us his bottle of empty promises.



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