Letter: GOP in Congress out of control

Fri, May 6, 2005 (10:06 a.m.)

The majority Republicans in Congress are getting more and more out of control. Their irresponsible behavior regarding the budget -- taking from the vulnerable and giving to those whose pockets are full -- is shameful.

With their ruthless Medicaid cuts, they are knowingly and deliberately taking funds away from children and families. They pretend not to know that they are hurting real people, people that we see in our our grocery stores, churches and schools. They are hurting people who live throughout our neighborhoods.

The proposed federal budget is an estimated $2.6 trillion. Yet Medicaid has to be cut? Is this a Congress that is dealing with reality? It has no long view, no plan, no concern for future generations. I suggest the country take a vote of "no confidence" in Congress.



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