Letter: Radical Islam the embodiment of evil

Tue, Nov 1, 2005 (9:24 a.m.)

If it was not apparent to the average American before today, it should be now. Radical Islam is a manifestation of all that is evil in man.

If, as the scriptures read, God created man, with the knowledge that an inherent evil existed in his creation, than the president of Iran and his followers, and the Shiite guerrilla group Hezbollah, demonstrate the depths of that inherent evil.

To describe the Iranian president's recent statements -- in which he called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" -- as hateful is an understatement. You can hate someone for besting you in any sort of endeavor, if you are of that callous nature. However, he is not necessarily evil.

Those in whom this "evil" resides are the eternal enemy of men of good will the world over. As long as the "evil" doers and thinkers exist on this planet, and they will so exist, men and women of good will may never be secure.

You may not agree with President Bush's domestic policy, and you may not agree with his conduct of the Iraqi and Afghanistan conflicts, but one thing you cannot disagree with is his goal in destroying the enemy -- radical Islam -- wherever it may reside.

Our security, and that of our friends abroad, is not a given. It must be earned through eternal vigilance and through the lives of our men and women in uniform.

If the Cindy Sheehans and the John Kerrys and the Diane Feinsteins and the Chuck Schumers of this world think that diplomatic rhetoric is going to secure America and Israel and the rest of our friends, just ask the friends and family of those killed in the last Israeli suicide bombing.

Evil is as evil does.

J.L. Kane

Las Vegas


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