Letter: Troops need leadership, not empty slogans

Sun, Nov 20, 2005 (7:54 a.m.)

Now with more than 2,000 troops killed and 15,000 wounded, the president and the vice president are using the morale of the troops as a reason for continued support for major combat operations that Bush declared had ended more than two years ago. Our troops are to be commended for their loyalty to their commander in chief, but the commander in chief also has a responsibility to the troops not to put them at undue risk. Our young soldiers continue to be killed more by roadside bombs than in actual combat.

Better leadership would do more for morale than empty slogans. What's the plan now that "stay the course" is not selling well?

The president should clean house, including the fear-peddling vice president and his bad advice, and admit to errors in judgment. The Iraqi government should be made to "stand up" now, with continued economic support from a coalition of concerned nations. A drawdown of American troops should commence immediately.

Phil Ventura Las Vegas


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