Getting to know: Don Logan

Thu, Oct 20, 2005 (7:42 a.m.)

Name: Don Logan, Las Vegas 51s president

Job description: Presiding over Las Vegas' longest-standing pro sports franchise

What's on your bookshelf?

The "One-Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard. It's a business book. (Editor's note: That's also the working title of Mike Scioscia's autobiography).

What's in your CD player?

Genesis, the Eagles, a couple of Adrian's (Logan's 16-year-old daughter) MP3s. She listens to Smashmouth, stuff like that, but I don't like the way most of that stuff sounds.

What's in your DVD player?

"Field of Dreams." DVD and and VHS.

The last thing you TIVO'd:

Honestly, all I watch is sports and the news channels. I never saw one episode of "Seinfeld." Or none of those Laws (the "Law and Order" franchise on NBC).

Want fries with that?

Sometimes. If they're from In-N-Out.

Paper or plastic?

Paper. Everybody's got a million of those plastic things they keep around and they're useless. You can't even use them as garbage bags.

Last nonhuman thing you'd grab before the hurricane hit:

Picture of my mom and my grandma and everybody else that is no longer with me.

People may not know that ...

I don't play as much as golf as they think I do.


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