Letter: Sun, Hank fondly remembered from early days

Fri, Sep 30, 2005 (9:37 a.m.)

When coming to a new town, I thought I could get to know the place better if I took a bus tour of the city. There were no city buses and tour companies hadn't begun their tours. What's to see?

So I turned to the newspapers. It was my introduction to the Las Vegas Sun and Hank Greenspun, the paper's founder and publisher. That a man would put his editorials (Where I Stand) on the front page got my attention. What he was writing about made me realize the editorials deserved to be on the front page.

Hank, through his column, introduced us to such local luminaries as Tom Hanley, and his kid Andy Gramby Hanley, who were into desert landscaping about 40 miles out of town. He also memorably informed us about the problems people were having with the Internal Revenue Service.

We suffered through the fire that destroyed the Sun building in 1963. As I recall not one edition was missed because of the fire, due to the professionalism of the Sun's employees.

Some of the Sun's employees won't make the cut with the new format. That is a shame. These same folks are the ones whose names we'll never know, but whose hard work and dedication contributed to our afternoon newspaper. You must be proud. I thank you, and good luck to all.



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