Letter: Questions before guest worker bill gets passed

Mon, Apr 10, 2006 (7:05 a.m.)

Our great leaders seem to want to pass an immigration bill before letting us citizens ask some important questions.

(1) Will there be an age limit for guest workers?

(2) Will they be able to bring their families? If not, will the families already here illegally have to go back while the guest workers work in our country? If they are allowed to bring their families, I guess they have treated them better than our servicemen and servicewomen who can't take their families to many locations around the world while they serve our country.

(3) Will they and their families be eligible for unemployment benefits, Social Security, medical benefits and any other government handouts? Who will pay - our debt-ridden government, or will they force the debt-ridden states to pay?

(4) How long do you think it will take when the illegals become legal to tell employers, who have gotten rich off their cheap labor, that they demand more money? When this happens and wages are at a level that Americans want those jobs, then what will they do? I guess they'll give an answer like (G)one (W)ages Bush said about Iraq: that's a problem for the next prez. Only like the war, it will be the lower and middle class who pay for generations to come.

In this case the tail is not only wagging the dog, but it's also beating it to death! Neither left or right, red or blue, just an American who sees our country going downhill in the fast lane.

Randall Chapman, Las Vegas


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