Letter: Playing slots no free pass to smoke in stores

Fri, Apr 14, 2006 (7:20 a.m.)

I think it is time that something be done about the smoking privilege of those playing slot machines in grocery stores. Customers should not have to be subjected to the cancer-causing smoke.

A great many customers of the grocery and drug stores are mothers and babysitters who bring children to the store to shop, and they are all exposed to the cigarette smoke. Most slot machines are placed within a few feet of the checkout line.

Grocery and drug stores have no-smoking rules throughout the stores, and the slot players should have to abide by those rules as they are playing at slots in the store.

Furthermore, it is unfair to the slot players who don't smoke. There is no reason why smoking is prohibited while flying but is allowed in the grocery stores. If slot players have to smoke while playing slots, they should go to a casino where they are located a few blocks in any direction in the county.

I smoked for many years and quit 22 years ago. Still, I was diagnosed with emphysema 10 years ago. I understand that elected officials need to support gaming because it is the lifeblood of Nevada, but they also owe it to the people they represent. The representatives all seem to march lockstep with the wishes of the casino industry.

Tony Lamuraglia, Las Vegas


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