Letter: Katrina could not have been prevented

Wed, Aug 30, 2006 (7:16 a.m.)

The Democrats are attempting to make a "big deal" out of the New Orleans destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. What they lack in common sense is the knowledge that this was the result of a storm and not incompetence on any man's part.

Had the Federal Emergency Management Agency's employees been any closer, they, too, would have faced destruction by the hurricane. Had the National Guard been on site, it would have faced destruction. Had the federal government's admonishment been adhered to by a Democratic governor, there might have been faster relief, but the destruction would not have been prevented!

To think or say that if President Bush had acted sooner, and that quicker relief would have been made possible, is both inane and shows no logic whatever. That is a folly and a ridiculous one at that. Not one thing could have been done to avoid the flooding of New Orleans, not one thing. The levee burst, and after the storm had passed at that.

Now, with all the fraud and deceit going on, the Democrats seek to use this for political advantage. If this is the best they can come up with, it is no wonder why they are out of power! To them I say, "Get a grip."

Lee S. Gliddon Jr., North Las Vegas


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