Letter: World War II, Iraq war are incomparable

Fri, Dec 1, 2006 (7:21 a.m.)

Stuart Posselt wrote in his Nov. 29 letter that we should be standing behind the president and current war effort, based on an analogy between World War II and the war in Iraq. I would contend that the "disturbing differences" to which he refers far outweigh any "interesting similarities." Unless someone is living on another planet, we all know by now that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, so this is hardly the same situation as World War II. Now the president is contending that we'll stay in Iraq until we "achieve victory."

But in most wars, "victory" meant that someone said, "I surrender" and signed a paper (as did Japan). Is that what we're expecting Iraq to do? I have no idea what "victory" means in our current situation, and neither do most people.

How can any of us rally around something this open-ended? I, like most Americans, will support any legitimate war against any legitimate enemy of the nation. But that case has yet to be established in the eyes of most people.

Timothy James, Las Vegas


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