Letter: Schools need help from legislators

Tue, Dec 19, 2006 (7:06 a.m.)

I recently visited a local elementary school and learned firsthand how our public schools lack appropriate funding. Children represent our future, and we must invest in them so that, over time, we can expand and diversify our economy, decrease our crime rate and enjoy stable communities.

Last November, Nevadans mandated that the Legislature fund education first. It's now up to the Legislature to take that directive and make it have meaning.

We have talented, committed professionals working in our schools. Now, we must take action so they can succeed. I urge our legislators to mandate maximum class sizes and student-teacher ratios for all grades and provide the funding necessary for these parameters, as well as for books, supplies and enrichment programs.

The stakes are too high to be a Scrooge and continue saying, "Education? Bah! Humbug!"

Ellen Barre Spiegel, Henderson


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