Flashpoint for Jan. 5, 2006

Thu, Jan 5, 2006 (7:51 a.m.)

I have waited all my life to have something named for me. And finally, it has happened. No, it's not an award. No, it's not a school. No, it's not a university chair. It's a, ahem, bacteria species. Ralstonia. It's written up in a recent Journal of the American Medical Association. Now maybe it's not exactly named for yours truly, but I bet a lot of folks in the political world might think so. In fact they might want to do what is suggested in the article vis a vis Ralstonia. Disinfect after contact. Avoid contamination. Even the verb "eradicate" is used. (Don't tell the mayor, please.) Seems the bacterium is quite difficult to eradicate, no matter what protocols are used. Maybe it is named for me, after all.


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