Letter: Does God even care about our daily travails?

Mon, Jan 23, 2006 (9:06 a.m.)

How come everyone talks to God but me. Oh, I know, we can all pray to God or invoke a higher power, but the real deal is when God talks back. Now that's impressive.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, Pat Robertson, Bill Bennett, President Bush, etc., all claim direct links to God Almighty. Always calling his name.

In this country, "God bless America" is a common refrain. I say that God has already blessed America. We got more than our share. The rest of the world should be so lucky.

The other guy, sometimes referred to as the enemy, is also invoking God's blessings. We pray for our side and they pray for theirs. Checkmate. Our own personal God deciding which side is right.

Face it! He doesn't give a hoot. All that really matters is how we take care of our planet.

On that score, we get an F.

Sandra Baker

Las Vegas


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