Letter: We have ourselves to blame for energy crisis

Mon, Jan 30, 2006 (9:27 a.m.)

Nevadans have made our energy bed, led by U.S. Sen. Harry Reid and our state's elected officals, and now we must live with it.

We Nevadans foolishly allowed the electric company to utilize natural gas as the clean fuel to generate electricity. We then don't allow for the development of natural gas resources in the name of ecology.

We Nevadans will not allow the development of atomic energy to produce electricity because we do not understand physics and allow politicians, using scare tactics, to slow nuclear reactor projects and waste disposal in our state. Instead we use natural gas.

We Nevadans have not poured resources into developing wind power and geothermal power where we have a vast resource base, but we continue to use "cheap" natural gas.

We Nevadans won't embrace using coal to power electric generation because our enlightened politicians say it is too dirty. We continue to use natural gas because it is cheap and clean.

Now, since our natural gas supplies are limited and the price has increased by over 400 percent at the wellhead since 2003, we Nevadans are whining because our electric and natural gas bills are climbing to record levels.

It is time to really examine who is at fault. We must attack our energy shortage from the supply side and not the demand side as environmentalist friends and foreign oil producers wish us to do.

David Miller



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