Letter: Feelings of heartache on Fourth of July

Sat, Jul 8, 2006 (7:42 a.m.)

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth of July, especially those who are serving our country in foreign lands.

It is extremely sad to think of all those who couldn't be with their loved ones on this day and all the many heartaches that have been caused by this most incompetent and worthless Bush administration.

When I was growing up, the Fourth of July meant something. It was special and all the people I knew were proud of America and for what it stood. Most of the people in other countries were our friends. They admired us and valued our friendship. It was safe to travel to their countries and they showed respect for us and our way of life. They wanted to come here and many did.

But all that has changed now, mainly due to the current administration. I say it is time to stand up and be counted. Instead of just writing to the paper, write your members of Congress. Now I don't just blame the administration. Congress no longer does its job, which is to rein in a corrupt, out-of-control president.

Both parties think it is their job to support their party. No, their job is to develop a conscience and some integrity, and do what is right for all American people, not just cater to the rich and the big corporations.

Read the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence and you will see my reasoning. I read it and thought it was talking about Bush, not the King of England.

Background: 60 years a staunch Republican.

Jim Harvey, North Las Vegas


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