Letter: Citizens should oppose Haynes

Thu, Jul 13, 2006 (7:23 a.m.)

Is anyone else as disgusted as I am with the continual need to reiterate our opposition to the policies and choices of this miserable administration?

It wasn't all that long ago that the president's nomination of William Haynes to a federal judgeship was stalled, for any number of good reasons. The guy was a primary force behind the torture policies and a long list of Vice President Dick Cheney's misguided, elitist and sadistic projects. He is to the right of Attila the Hun.

Now they are trying once again to sneak this radical in by confirming him at a time when everyone is distracted by other news. Fighting these clowns is a full-time job for every concerned citizen. They simply don't believe in democratic processes.

Please speak up yet one more time, if you care about civil rights, science, liberty, justice and the true American way.

Robert Elliott, Las Vegas


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