Letter: Stem-cell research won’t destroy life

Fri, Jul 21, 2006 (7:47 a.m.)

Once again we have been lied to by President Bush. This latest whopper involves his veto of the bill calling for federal funding for stem-cell research. Let's understand what the bill called for.

When couples are not able to conceive, they can turn to science. A female's eggs are harvested, placed in petri dishes, and then fertilized with sperm from the male.

A portion of these fertilized eggs are then inserted in the female in hopes that she will become pregnant, while the unused portion is routinely discarded. Now what the bill called for was that instead of washing these unused fertilized eggs down the drain, that they be set aside and used for stem-cell research in the hope of finding cures for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, A.L.S, diabetes and other degenerative diseases.

President Bush talked about the destruction of human life, which as you see was not the case. The choice was and is the destruction of these fertilized eggs, or their use in stem-cell research.

Richard J. Mundy, Las Vegas


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