FLASHPOINT for Jul 26, 2006

Wed, Jul 26, 2006 (7:31 a.m.)

Well, she didn't have a bankruptcy or a residency scam or ... An e-mail campaign has begun and is spreading for GOP primary voters to choose the late Kathy Augustine over the baggage-laden Mark DeStefano in the race for state treasurer. Here's the text of a common one: "Kathy was my friend and a great person to know. She was a fighter and never gave up when it came to a tough campaign. I hope that all of Kathy's friends will vote for her in the primary. I think it would be the best way to say goodbye to someone we cared about." And to show how little they care for DeStefano, who is funding much of his campaign but might not win a popularity contest among the faithful. This bears watching.


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