FLASHPOINT for Jul 28, 2006

Fri, Jul 28, 2006 (7:48 a.m.)

Now that Treasurer Brian Krolicki has linked Barbara Lee Woollen, his opponent in the lieutenant governor's race, to adult films, it's time to explore some other film ties. One wag found a 2002 release, "Angel Blade," a piece of sleaze about teenage and pregnant prostitutes being murdered by a Las Vegas serial killer. Woollen had no link to this one, but another lieutenant governor contender did - Bob Stupak has a small role. And, of course, the always-discriminating mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman, couldn't turn down a role as himself in this lowbrow trash. One other note - a crew member in this one is listed as Bob Unger. But not to worry - it's not the Democrat running for lieutenant governor.


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