Letter: No excuse for not improving air quality

Tue, Jun 6, 2006 (7:13 a.m.)

Thanks for your June 3 editorial about the importance of reducing pollution from school buses. We couldn't agree more.

In this day and age, there is no reason why we should be using outdated technology that puts our kids in harm's way when there are cleaner, affordable alternatives available. That's why we worked with the Federal Highway Administration and the Nevada Transportation Department to secure $1 million to reduce diesel pollution from buses in the Clark County School District. That's enough to retrofit a good part of our school bus fleet. Sen. Harry Reid also deserves credit for bringing in an additional $500,000 to put cleaner technologies on even more vehicles here in Nevada.

We want our kids to work hard, do their homework, get good test scores and grow up to be good citizens. The least we can do for them is give them clean air.

Jane Feldman, Las Vegas

Editor's note: The writer is spokeswoman for the Southern Nevada Group of the Sierra Club.


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