Letter: House immigration bill is lesser of evils

Fri, Jun 9, 2006 (7:42 a.m.)

Richard Conner's June 5 letter, "Illegal immigration is a crime, period," made several valid points concerning the illegal immigration problem facing this country.

First of all, I agree with Mr. Conner when he says that illegal immigration is a crime. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants presently living in the United States are lawbreakers. Regardless of how long they have been here, they are breaking the law each and every day. Pure and simple.

No real change in our present immigration policy will result in having 25 million to 30 million illegals residing within our borders by 2025. What then?

I also agree with Mr. Conner when he says that the Senate bill on immigration is "monumentally flawed" and in no way represents the thinking of the American people. One has to wonder what the Senate is thinking when it talks about a guest-worker program that allows those who have broken the law to stay in this country and gain citizenship without following the laws of this land. Any form of amnesty for illegals is only encouraging other immigrants to enter this country illegally.

Yes, I agree with Mr. Conner that the House bill may be too harsh in some respects, but it clearly represents the feelings of most Americans. Hopefully, the House will stand pat on its immigration bill and force the Senate to pretty much accept the House version with a few small changes.

Americans have always believed in allowing immigrants to come into this country, work, gain citizenship and assimilate into American society. That's what the concept of the Golden Door is all about. We have been a melting pot throughout our long, proud history, and have not only allowed but also encouraged immigration.

The key, however, has always been for immigrants to enter the country legally, thus following and meeting all U.S. immigration laws. Why should we expect anything differently now? Mr. Conner was correct when he wrote, "Immigration is not bad, illegal immigration is."

Larry Burgess, Henderson


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