Letter: Bush deserving of every criticism he’s getting

Sat, Jun 10, 2006 (7:19 a.m.)

Regarding Lee S. Gliddon Jr.'s June 8 letter, "Stop unnecessary criticism of Bush": I am certain that Mr. Gliddon is concerned that "W" would retreat to Uncle Dick Cheney's lap and cry his heart out. Bush is a spoiled brat who has been protected from the truth for his entire life and has never finished anything.

Mr. Gliddon wrote that the American people do not want to hear the constant lies about Iraq. He should have addressed that to the Bush administration, because that is where the lies are coming from. Either Bush, his press secretary or a media personality is paid with our tax dollars to put a positive spin on the Bush mistakes. Remember WMD, yellow cake uranium, "Mission Accomplished" and Osama bin Laden - dead or alive?

Anyone who does not agree totally with Bush is a terrorist by definition. And who could ever forget Bush telling "Brownie" that he did a great job in New Orleans?

Bush is the master divider who has polarized the people into two camps - those who love him, like Gliddon, and those who detest him, like me. The Senate has become totally uncivilized and no longer refers to the members of the other party as the esteemed senator on the other side of the aisle. Now Dick Cheney has made the F-word acceptable in the Senate chambers.

Don McDonald, Henderson


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