Letter: Illegal immigration hurts American dream

Thu, May 11, 2006 (7:24 a.m.)

The corporate attitude toward workers who are dissatisfied is, if you don't like it, there is another warm body to take your place. With 12 million illegals in the country, if there is someone who doesn't believe that these people are taking American jobs, there is a bridge in New York I'd like to sell that person.

This at a time when CEO compensation has risen disproportionately to the wages of American workers.

In his book, "American Theocracy, The Perils and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil And Borrowed Money in the 21st Century," Kevin Phillips has stated that in the 1960s, "Top of the pyramid executives made only 25 to 40 times the pay of median workers. By the 1990s corporate CEOs made 300 to 500 times the pay of a median employee."

Corporate greed and cheap labor are killing the American middle class. In grasping for the American dream, illegals are helping to destroy it.

Nadia Romeo, Las Vegas


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