Letter: Problems with church are private matters

Sat, May 13, 2006 (7:08 a.m.)

Why is it front page news to discuss Dario Herrera's issues with the Mormon Church? It is understandable that all churches have codes that they adhere to, but isn't this a private matter between Mr. Herrera and the church? Granted, this has been big news, but what will be the next ridiculous article written?

Herrera has been convicted - is that not enough? The Christ that I believe in preached forgiveness and understanding, not public ridicule for the simple sake of embarrassment.

Whether Mr. Herrera has issues with his church should not be our concern. Whether or not one believes in his guilt or innocence, as our brother's keeper our interest must be in forgiveness, not gossip.

Heaven help all of us, if every time we commit a sin or transgression we face expulsion from our church, and even worse that this is blasted on the front page of the newspaper. Let those who are without sin cast the first stone!

Randy Aguilar, Henderson


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