Letter: Minutemen play role in border security

Mon, May 15, 2006 (7:19 a.m.)

Regarding the Sun's May 8 editorial, "An ominous publicity stunt":

As a Minuteman, I take exception to your comment that the Minutemen are contributing "little if anything at all to the national debate about illegal immigration." The reality is that the Minutemen were largely responsible for starting the national debate.

The editorial also says "dealing with immigrants belongs to federal agents." I would agree if in fact federal agents were dealing with them. The truth is that the vast majority (estimates are as high as 80 percent) of illegal immigrants are not dealt with at all.

When the federal government abrogates its responsibility, lower levels of government and individual citizens have no choice but to step forward and take appropriate action. Their actions can be of advantage to all of us whether we choose to participate or not.

Victor Thomas, Boulder City


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