Letter: We don’t need the likes of Hayden

Sat, May 20, 2006 (7:29 a.m.)

The current Republican smokescreen on immigration only points out that President Bush is five years too late on securing the border with Mexico, since stringent laws should have been implemented immediately after 9/11. That would have been a good use of the National Guard, securing our borders under crisis, not as a Band-Aid today, or as invaders of Iraq.

Also, had W. been interested in human rights, his focus would have not been on containing Iraq, but on Sudan's then-horrendous genocide, which has only escalated unchecked over the years. Lip service, that is what the Republican Party has given us with one hand, and with the other taken away our liberties.

Now W. wants to appoint Gen. Michael Hayden as CIA director. This is the man who subverted the Constitution to invade the privacy of American citizens. Mr. Hayden said he wants to protect the core values of America. In my book, our core values don't include eavesdropping, torture of prisoners, et al.

Does this sound like the type of person the Senate should confirm? He promised to "speak truth to power." May I quote Proverbs 29:12, "If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked." Does this sound like anyone you know? Former Rep. Randy Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay, Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Alberto Gonzales, who rewrote the torture laws before his appointment as attorney general.

What a group! We deserve better!

Sandra Miner, Las Vegas


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