Letter: Ensign has right idea on immigration

Sun, May 21, 2006 (7:36 a.m.)

On Thursday Sen. John Ensign offered an amendment to the "immigration reform" bill (S. 2611) that addresses the many "legitimate Americans" victimized by illegal immigrants who have stolen their Social Security numbers.

He cited a Reno resident who was denied unemployment benefits because the Social Security Administration said, according to their records, he was working in Las Vegas as a landscaper. Quite a commute! Turns out his Social Security number had been stolen by an illegal worker.

Our senator cited the shocking case of a U.S. citizen who was hounded by the IRS for a $1 million tax bill. Upon a laborious and frustrating investigation, she found out that there were more than 200 illegal workers in Texas using her Social Security number.

Sen. Ensign cited many of these stories, and pointed out that all these persons who have committed identity fraud will be forgiven and rewarded with benefits under the current immigration bill being debated in the Senate.

Sen. Ensign's amendment to rectify this injustice to the victims of identity fraud was killed by 50 U.S. senators.

Sens. Edward Kennedy and John McCain think Americans are too stupid to recognize "amnesty" when we see it. Well, I have probably read more of the 600-page legislation than many in the Senate. This legislation reeks of "amnesty."

The title of the bill should be changed to "The Great American Giveaway" or perhaps the "Screw Americans First" bill.

Theresa Morrow, Las Vegas


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