Letter: Not enough emphasis on protecting land

Fri, May 26, 2006 (7:17 a.m.)

Regarding the Sun's May 20 editorial, "BLM is way off course - Agency torn by competing missions of protecting land and allowing drilling":

Thank you for bringing to light the fact that the Bureau of Land Management does not receive the appropriate resources needed to protect our cultural, archaeological and natural heritage.

Given that the agency manages a majority of the public lands in the West, it only seems fair that it receive adequate funding to protect such resources.

In Nevada alone, we have places such as Gold Butte, which are rich in archaeological and cultural treasure, yet the agency does not have the resources to adequately inventory and manage the area.

If we as a society do not act fast to protect such treasures, they will be lost before we know it.

Marc Wohlwill, Las Vegas


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