Letter: Killing is only agenda for Iraqi insurgents

Sat, Nov 4, 2006 (7:26 a.m.)

A number of different viewpoints about the U.S. presence in Iraq have been submitted, so I thought I might try to add my two cents' worth as well.

Today, as well as right from the beginning, the presence of U.S. troops was and still is blamed for the violence in Iraq. If that is the case then the insurgents, the militias and especially their leaders must be one brick short of a full load.

If the people responsible for the killing and violence reduced and eventually stopped the violence, they could lull the U.S. into thinking stability has finally been achieved and we would leave Iraq.

But unfortunately I do not see this happening. Killing is something they want to do and the U.S. presence provides a convenient excuse for doing so.

Ron Pyzik, Henderson


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