Letter: Conservative pundits just don’t get it

Thu, Nov 9, 2006 (7:07 a.m.)

I'd like to offer a few comments regarding cable news coverage of Tuesday's elections:

Shortly after the announcement of the House takeover, CNN's Anderson Cooper asked James Carville a question. When Bill Bennett attempted to interrupt Carville's response, Carville turned to Bennett and said something to the effect: Pardon me for speaking while you're interrupting me, I haven't interrupted you all night.

Bennett then waved his hand, mumbled something and was quiet. What Bennett needs to learn is that Democrats have a voice again. Get used to it, Bill. And save your behavior for "Hannity & Colmes," where trap questions, rude overspeak and uncivil discourse are expected.

Meanwhile on the Fox News Channel they were heading to a break. Shepard Smith, with a "my dog just died" look on his face, asked: And could the Senate be gone?

So a Democratic takeover of the Senate equates "gone" to a Fox News anchor? Doesn't sound very "fair and balanced," Shepard. But don't worry, nobody believes that anyway.

Bob Coffman, Las Vegas


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