Letter: Bit by bit, smokers’ rights being taken away

Fri, Nov 10, 2006 (6:55 a.m.)

Well, the busybodies have finally done it by passing Question 5. They have come to town and changed the way hundreds of businesses run their own business. If I, as a 64-year-old woman, want to go to Charlie's Down Under or PT's Pub to have a hamburger, a beer and play a roll of quarters, then I have to go outside to have a cigarette. How ridiculous is that?

When I have gone to these establishments, I haven't seen one child. And if I did, I wouldn't go in anyway. I love the smoking section in restaurants - there are no screaming children there.

When the nonsmoking organizations started injecting themselves in my life in the 1970s I thought: How far can this go? Well, they have pecked away my rights bit by bit. It's like being eaten by a duck.

Jacki Weil, Las Vegas


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