FLASHPOINT for Nov 18, 2006

Sat, Nov 18, 2006 (7:20 a.m.)

If the sports books wanted to put up an interesting line, it would be on the date of the death of Harry Ensign. Sure, the presidential sweepstakes might interest more people, but here in Nevada, this is the more provocative bet. You know it's coming. Harry Reid is the next majority leader and John Ensign's new job is to make him the minority leader. How do you stay friendly through that? Not even this beautiful friendship, modeled after Claude and Bogie, can survive Ensign trying to topple his friend from atop the Club of 100. I think it's time for Ensign to show his elder that he has learned one of the maxims that Reid has lived by his entire career: No permanent friends and no permanent enemies. I say June 1. Any bettors?


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