Letter: GOP not worthy of ‘family values’

Thu, Oct 5, 2006 (7:32 a.m.)

In 2001 the Bush legion came into office with its mantra of "conservative family values" (What would Jesus do!?). In 2002 the conservative Republicans increased their congressional majorities on the rallying cry of "family values." In 2004 Bush and his conservative soldiers returned to the White House carrying the banner of "family values."

The conservative Republican Congress enacted the Terri Schiavo legislation and the "Defense of Marriage" legislation because of their "family values" conviction. In the years 2004-2006, the White House and the conservative Republican Congress are embroiled in one scandal after another.

During the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the country was treated to a year of somber and self-righteous conservative Republicans trooping before television cameras, shaking their heads sadly and asking: What will we tell our children when they ask about the president's lying about having sex with another woman?

The answer now seems abundantly clear: Tell them that conservative Republicans will go to the ends of the Earth to persecute Democrats who cheated on their wives and lied about it, but they will close ranks, cover up for and enable a Republican pedophile who preyed on children under their protection.

How comforting to know that our White House and Congress are being led by the party of "family values."

Joe Beltran, North Las Vegas


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