FLASHPOINT for Oct 22, 2006

Sun, Oct 22, 2006 (8:05 a.m.)

By Jon Ralston

No one could resist this. So there was no chance the Repub- licans and the bloggers would. Sen. Harry Reid, under fire for a land deal that involved a large profit, was scheduled this weekend to host a first-time home buyer's fair in Las Vegas. Now, really, who could pass that up? Of course, the Republicans went over the top after the headline on their party press release: "Would you accept real estate advice from Senator Reid?" Well, I guess if you believe he reaped a high six-figure profit from the land transaction, I suppose the answer is: Of course. But instead the GOP folks went into high salivary gland action mode and nonsensical rhetoric. But it is fodder for Jon Stewart & Co., I have no doubt.


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