Letter: Show your common sense by voting this year

Mon, Oct 23, 2006 (7:35 a.m.)

Mind-numbing, asinine, bad decisions are destroying American (lives) and far too many other lives all over the world. Our Congress prioritizes and chooses to deal with time-consuming subjects such as gay marriage, Foley, and any other topic or distraction available to avoid dealing with what is happening to our country during their terms.

With the short session that they "worked," they simply didn't have the time; incredible when you ponder the multitude of threats we're facing. What have they done productively to fulfill their sworn allegiance to our country? They're back home now stomping for your vote on records that would humiliate the average, ethical individual.

Vote! Agree or disagree, but vote. It will reflect American common sense, a quality lacking in those whose agendas have little to do with our beloved country or you and me.

Carole LaRocca, Las Vegas


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