Letter: Global warming is affecting water levels

Tue, Sep 5, 2006 (7:21 a.m.)

Many recent letters in the Las Vegas Sun have expressed various ways to solve Nevada's water shortage, but most of these solutions are simply Band-Aids that don't address one of the key causes of our water supply problems.

Instead of depleting water supplies from other areas, or building expensive pipelines to pump in water to Southern Nevada, our lawmakers should take action to solve global warming. Increasing temperatures from global warming have led to less snowfall which, in turn, decreases the snow runoff we have in our rivers and lakes. Turning the tide on global warming is necessary to get to the root of our water supply problems.

New legislation in Congress, the Safe Climate Act, would reduce our global warming pollution by 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. This bill is the first step to a cleaner energy future and sustainable water solutions for all Nevadans.

Linsey Pecikonis, Phoenix


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