Letter: Substandard wages are norm for teachers

Sun, Sep 10, 2006 (7:37 a.m.)

Letter writer Pat Murphy ("Teachers not the only ones who work hard," Sept. 6) is lucky she had a husband who was able to support his family on what he made working six days a week, 50 weeks a year.

Teachers are having trouble supporting even themselves, no matter how many hours they work (often more than 50 per week), or how much stress and abuse they endure. They receive no salary increases after about 14 years. During those years the increases are laughable. Additionally, teachers do a crucial job.

Or maybe everyone would like to home-school their kids, or not have them educated at all? As a teacher, I cannot afford even basic living expenses, such as buying a bed and paying for car repair on a Camry with more than 200,000 miles on it.

Ms. Murphy asks if teachers are privileged.

Privileged? Come on, now. I'd just like to be paid fairly.

Betty Buehler, Las Vegas


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