FLASHPOINT for Sep 15, 2006

Fri, Sep 15, 2006 (7:32 a.m.)

Bob is opening his doors. Jim is thrilled. Everyone is invit- ed to watch. Yes, if you are doing nothing else Saturday - and I mean, nothing else - watch Bob Beers turn over the keys to his campaign office to his new best friend, Jim Gibbons. There will be a ribbon-cutting. And lots of pasted-on smiles. And scintillating quotes, too. What a photo op: Beers, the new chairman of the state GOP campaign, turning over the keys to his office at Alta and Decatur to the man he now wants to elect as governor after spending a year trying to entomb him. It's sure to be a beautiful sight. Beers is a funny guy, though. How comical would it be if he turned over the keys - but had changed the locks?


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