Letter: Lucky to have a president with perspective

Mon, Sep 18, 2006 (7:15 a.m.)

I certainly agree with Joe Beltran's Sept. 14 letter, "Histrionics detract from memory of 9/11," regarding our "perspective." Many Americans need to get some (or a different) "perspective."

Mr. Beltran's "perspective," however, begs the question. Should Americans view events from the "perspective" of the Japanese of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or from the "perspective" of the millions of fathers and sons who would have been killed invading Imperial Japan? The same question applies to Mr. Beltran's "thousands of victims of World War II" (whoever they are from his "perspective") or the millions of fathers and sons of freedom-loving people around the world who died securing liberty for the free world!

Remember 54-40 or fight? Remember the Maine? Remember the Alamo? Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember 9/11? Millions of American voters don't remember or choose to forget so they can continue their jolly pursuit of happiness.

As to Mr. Beltran's "perspective" of "the average Iraqi today," he might want to review historical events in Iraq during the oppression of Saddam Hussein (1979-2003) and then compare and contrast current conditions. If he finds that there is a lot of work yet to be done, all would agree, but all must also agree that Iraqis are better off today than yesterday.

Fortunately, America has a president, a Cabinet and Armed Forces that have the proper "perspective" vis-a-vis of who is on the side of good and who is on the side of evil - at least through Jan. 20, 2009! Enough is certainly enough! Do the terrorists agree?

F. Jay Harrell, Las Vegas


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