Letter: Imus coverage blown out of proportion

Fri, Apr 13, 2007 (7:12 a.m.)

This letter is neither to condemn nor defend Don Imus. It is more about the news media's coverage. I have many, many questions regarding this situation.

Has anyone noticed that the newscasters covering the Imus fiasco are actually salivating while discussing it? When did we become a society of individuals who enjoy and exalt in the distress of others? Does the phrase "Forgive the sinner, hate the sin" mean nothing anymore?

Will this trigger more racial tension in the atmosphere? Has this blown so out of proportion that we do not realize that other more important news - that is, Iraq - has been put on the back burner?

And now, my most important question of all: Did anyone read or see any news coverage about the 6-year-old boy killed and the 17 wounded in Baghdad when a rocket recently hit a basketball court? Doesn't this mean our priorities are shameful?

LaRue S. Boenig, Henderson


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