Letter: White House is showing its incompetence

Wed, Apr 18, 2007 (7:11 a.m.)

I read with incredulity Richard D. McCord's April 17 letter, "Bush's policy on war is keeping U.S. secure," in which he states, "The Democrats' hatred of President Bush exposes their illogic, denial of reality, and cowardice ..." in "ignoring what state of affairs will exist (in Iraq) after we flee ..."

It is an affront to all patriotic Americans to suggest that anyone would make decisions and judgments as to what is best for this country based on their feelings toward President Bush.

Republicans as well as Democrats have seriously questioned the failed policies of the Bush administration in the prosecution of the war. Do Republican U.S. Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Warner and former Secretary of State James Baker hate President Bush because they have questioned his failed policy in the war in Iraq?

Mr. McCord makes reference to Democrats' criticism of President Bush's "end-game planning for Iraq." The problem with the Bush administration is that it never had and does not presently have an end-game plan for Iraq - only the mantra "stay the course." President Bush was more concerned about a photo op on a flight deck of a carrier with the banner "Mission Accomplished" in the background than formulating a postwar occupational plan in Iraq.

I am a proud Democrat, and I do not hate President Bush. What I hate is incompetency, which has been exhibited time and time again by the Bush administration - not only in its fatally flawed prosecution of the Iraq war but also in the response to Hurricane Katrina, Abu Ghraib, etc.

Yes, Mr. McCord, these are dangerous times requiring realism and courage, the reality that we cannot win the Iraq war, and the courage and conviction to bring our brave and courageous soldiers home as soon as possible.

Tom Harper, Henderson


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