Letter: Reaction to killings defines your ideology

Fri, Apr 20, 2007 (7:21 a.m.)

If you fell asleep in civics class and you are still wondering if you are a conservative or a liberal, it is easy to tell the difference. All you have to do is ask yourself what was your reaction to the massacre at Virginia Tech this week as it relates to the Second Amendment.

If your gut reaction was that this could have been prevented if only all the guns were taken away from all the law-abiding citizens, then you are a liberal.

If your reaction was that this horrible event probably could not have been prevented since evil, disturbed people are in the world and will always find a way to cause harm, you are probably a conservative.

If you believe that this tragedy could have been minimized if a student, teacher or staff member lawfully trained in the concealed carry of firearms had put a bullet between the eyes of this deranged killer, then you are a conservative.

Class dismissed.

Mark E. McKenzie, Las Vegas


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